Taster Member

Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust
Charlotte has been a consultant Anaesthetist at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust since 2006. She qualified from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne in 1992 and briefly thought she wanted to be a surgeon. After a placement in Surgical HDU she saw the light and completed her anaesthetic training in London. She is clinical lead for a high volume day-surgery Hub in South East London and specialises in anaesthesia for upper GI and other high risk surgeries along with day surgery anaesthesia. She has a strong interest in the optimisation of patient pathways to ensure quality care and good patient experience. She also has had the opportunity to support the GIRFT programme with Hub accreditation visits.
Within the her trust she is Co-chair of the Trust Diabetes Committee, which has the remit to promote safe and quality care for all patients with diabetes within the trust. She is also a founding member of PQID - perioperative quality improvement in diabetes. This is a multidisciplinary, multi professional group that works towards quality improvement in the peri-procedual period.