Council Member
I have been active within Perioperative Practice since starting my clinical training in 1979 and qualifying in 1981.
I worked in emergency and acute Operating Theatres across a broad range of surgical specialities as an Operating Department Practitioner (ODP) and a Senior ODP until 2002 when I became Operating Department Training Co-ordinator and Theatre Practice Education Lead.
From 2006 worked in Higher Education at Edge Hill University, Faculty of Health, Social Care and Medicine, working with a wide variety of undergraduate and post graduate students and practitioners in Day Surgery Anaesthetics, Post Operative Recovery, and Surgical Care Practice. My Research interests are Bullying in the workplace, and the Development of Professional identity. I have jointly edited three Perioperative Care textbooks and have published chapters within Perioperative Care textbooks.
I served as a member on the British Association of Day Surgery National Council from 2013 to 2018 and spent four years as Honorary Secretary and am the current treasurer of the Perioperative Care Collaborative.