Speakers 2025 TBC Bruce Campbell Royal Devon Trust 09:05 - 09:25 Plenary 1 - Local anaesthetic techniques - Venous surgery techniques under local anaesthetic Nik Jagodzinski Royal Devon Trust 09:25 - 09:45 Plenary 1 - Local anaesthetic techniques - Hand Surgery Unit, Wide Awake Local Anaesthesia No Torniquet (WALANT) techniques Martin Lees Barts Health NHS Trust 09:50 - 10:20 Plenary 2 - Safe sedation - Remimazolam in cardiac cardioversion Robert Sneyd Plymouth 10:20 - 10:50 Plenary 2 - Safe sedation - Remimazolam opportunities and snags - where next? Andy Presland BOAS 11:30 - 12:00 | Classroom 1 Parallel Session 1 - Local anaesthesia for ophthalmic surgery Amy Kerr Basingstoke 11:30 - 12:00 | Classroom 2 Parallel Session 1 - Nursing / Allied Health Professional focus session - improving day surgery rates using QI methology Dough McWhinnie 12:05 - 12:25 Keynote Speakers - Keynote 1 Ian Jackson 12:25 - 12:45 Keynote Speakers - Keynote 2 Ranjit Kirton Stockton-On-Tees 14:45 - 15:15 | Classroom 1 Parallel Session 2 - Psychological Safety in the workplace Peter Holt St Georges 14:45 - 15:15 | Classroom 2 Parallel Session 2 - Day case EVAR Andy Stevenson Taunton 15:40 - 15:55 Plenary 3 - Sustainability / Safety in Day Surgery - Sustainability in surgery Jasmin Winter-Beatty RCS Edinburgh 15:55 - 16:10 Plenary 3 - Sustainability / Safety in Day Surgery - Greener Surgery Checklist Scarlett McNally East Sussex 16:10 - 16:40 Plenary 3 - Sustainability / Safety in Day Surgery - Human factors in surgical safety Jeffrey Ahmed Chelsea & Westminster 09:00 - 09:20 Plenary 4 - Robotic Day Surgery - Day Case Hysterectomy Jim Wilson Royal Gwent Hospital 09:20 - 09:40 Plenary 4 - Robotic Day Surgery - Day Case Prostatectomy Altaf Awan Derby 09:40 - 10:00 Plenary 4 - Robotic Day Surgery - Day Case Abdominal Wall Surgery Jennifer Ferry Wales 10:00 - 11:00 | Classroom 1 Parallel Session 3 - Regional anaesthesia James Bowness University College London 10:00 - 11:00 | Classroom 1 Parallel Session 3 - Regional anaesthesia Karen Harries King's College Hospital 10:00 - 10:30 | Classroom 2 Parallel Session 3 - Nursing / Allied Health Professional focus session - centralised day surgery pre-op assessment Andy Bacon Sheffield 10:30 - 11:00 | Classroom 2 Parallel Session 3 - Complex Surgery - Anterior cervical discectomy as daycase Imran Ahmed Guys & St Thomas's 13:15 - 14:15 Plenary 4 - High Intensity Theatre (HIT) Lists - High Intensity Theatre (HIT) Lists Charlotte Cook Guys & St Thomas's 13:15 - 14:15 Plenary 4 - High Intensity Theatre (HIT) Lists - High Intensity Theatre (HIT) Lists Husam Ebeid Guys & St Thomas's 13:15 - 14:15 Plenary 4 - High Intensity Theatre (HIT) Lists - High Intensity Theatre (HIT) Lists James Oakley Guys & St Thomas's 13:15 - 14:15 Plenary 4 - High Intensity Theatre (HIT) Lists - High Intensity Theatre (HIT) Lists Eva Jacovou Guys & St Thomas's 13:15 - 14:15 Plenary 4 - High Intensity Theatre (HIT) Lists - High Intensity Theatre (HIT) Lists Thomas Stringfellow 14:45 - 15:15 Update On BADS Grants - Update On BADS Grants Rosie Stanton 14:45 - 15:15 Update On BADS Grants - Update On BADS Grants Jack Kennedy 14:45 - 15:15 Update On BADS Grants - Update On BADS Grants