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Day Case Total Hip Replacement: A joint BADS/HCUK Virtual Conference

The British Association of Day Surgery are pleased to announce this virtual conference focusing on Day Case Total Hip Replacements. Back

Never before has day case surgery been as important to our patients as it now as we embark on our recovery from Covid-19. We have seen a huge rise in the number of patients waiting for orthopaedic surgery with > 0.5 million now on the waiting list. This is the highest it has been for a decade and nearly 70,000 have been waiting over a year. The bulk of these long waiters are Arthroplasty cases. Inpatient Covid and Emergency Care pressures are set to stay and we must move away from using Inpatient estate towards Day case Ambulatory pathways.

With increasing pressure on the NHS, the drive to reduce length of stay and deliver as much activity as possible on a day case basis is a key national priority. Day Case major joint replacement surgery is now routine practice in a number of units across the UK.  However, there remains  huge variation in day case arthroplasty surgery across the country. Come and learn how they did it, the obstacles they overcame and take the opportunity to transform your orthopaedic services.

National experts from the British Association of Day Surgery and leading Orthopaedic units will share experience including:

  • How to develop a high-class day surgery service
  • Analgesia for day case arthroplasty
  • Use of short acting spinal anaesthesia for major orthopaedic day surgery procedures
  • Pathways and protocols for day case arthroplasty
  • Pitfalls to avoid and obstacles to overcome – how they did it

This conference will enable you to:

  • Network with colleagues who are working to improve day surgery orthopaedic services
  • Learn from outstanding practice in day surgery arthroplasty
  • Reflect on national developments and learning
  • Understand how you can improve your day surgery pathways
  • Identify key strategies for implementation of a day surgery joint replacement service
  • Ensure you are up to date with the latest national practice
  • Self assess and reflect on your own practice
  • Gain CPD accreditation points contributing to professional development and revalidation evidence

Chaired by:

Mr Ed Dunstan
Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon
NHS Fife, The British Association of Day Surgery (BADS)

Dr Mary Stocker
Past President, BADS; and Consultant Anaesthetist, Torbay & South Devon Healthcare Trust

More information and book