Maximising urological surgical day case performance is a major part of the NHS Elective Recovery programme, instigated to tackle this huge backlog in care.
This conference will provide you with tools to improve your day case rates for many urological procedures and see how experts from BADS and in specialist urology fields approach and implement their day case pathways and maximise the day surgery numbers. An update from GIRFT experts will allow you to see the national picture from their point of view.
*Only £100+VAT for BADS Members to attend*
BADS recommends a multidisciplinary, team approach and you will hear from nurses, surgeons and anaesthetists about how to work together and use expert practice to increase safe day surgery delivery efficiency. This includes:
- Management of bladder cancer (TURBT pathways)
- Bladder outflow obstruction surgery – moving TURP to day case pathways
- Day case management of ureteric stones
- Day surgery focussed anaesthetic approaches to urological surgery
- Pitfalls and obstacles to overcome – how ‘they’ did it
- The conference will also describe how to move specific procedures to an outpatient pathway and the role of specialist nurses
- Novel approaches to managing post-operative urine retention and attaining discharge for day surgery patients
Speakers include:
- Dr Rachel Tibble Anaesthetics Consultant
Derby Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Honorary Secretary BADS British Association of Day Surgery - Prof Scarlett Mcnally Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust Deputy Director Centre for Perioperative Care Honorary Clinical Professor Brighton and Sussex Medical School President Medical Women’s Federation
- Mr John McGrath Consultant Urologist
Royal Devon University Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust Joint National Clinical Lead for Urology GIRFT - Miss Helena Burden Consultant Urological Surgeon NBT Bladder Cancer Lead
North Bristol NHS Trust - Mr Sachin Agrawal Consultant Urological Surgeon Ashford and St Peter’s Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Dr Kim Russon Consultant Anaesthetist Clinical Lead for Day Surgery The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust Past President BADS British Association of Day Surgery
- Mr Ananda Kumar Dhanasekaran Urology Consultant Lead for BPH in Urology Clinical Networks Black Country Provider Collaborative Lead for Urology – MBChB program Medical School University of Birmingham
- Ms Karen Harries Day Surgery Nursing Lead
King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust President Elect BADS British Association of Day Surgery - Mr Mike Henley Urological Surgeon, Endourology and Fertility Specialist University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust
- Mr Jeremy Nettleton Consultant Urologist and Clinical Lead Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Trust