This important and timely conference will focus on improving care for hip fracture patients – learning from the NHFD findings and September 2023 report, and improving progress against the Key Performance Indicators and NICE quality standard for hip fracture. Back
The conference will focus on improving assessment, minimised delays to theatre, improving the pathway from falls to theatre changing the role of the emergency department, ensuring hip fracture patients are prioritised for surgery, overcoming contra indications, improving the anaesthetic and surgical pathway, and ensuring prompt mobilisation after surgery. There is a focus on improving practice against the Key Performance Indicators, using a Quality Improvement (QI) approach, and managing Hip Fracture in Covid positive patients.
This conference will enable you to:
- Network with fellow delegates working to improve services for Hip Fracture
- Learn from the highest performing trusts in the UK as recognised by the National Hip Fracture Database
- Understand and reflect on how you can improve practice, outcomes and reduce mortality locally as a result of NHFD findings released in September 2022
- Update your knowledge on national developments
- Reduce variation and improve practice against the Key Performance Indicators
- Reflect on how can we get this patient to surgery? Understanding and reducing medical complications, avoidable inefficiencies and unacceptable reasons for delaying theatre (including delays out of hours and at weekends)
- Identify key strategies for improving the anaesthetic and surgical care pathway for hip fracture
- Using Quality Improvement to improve Hip Fracture care
- Understand on how you can improve care for Hip Fracture patients beyond the hospital setting
- Develop practical strategies for assessing, reducing, recognising and treating delirium and confusion
- Improve physiotherapy rehabilitation after hip fracture: ensuring prompt mobilisation after surgery
- Reduce mortality in the fractured neck of femur pathway
- Self assess and reflect on your own practice
- Supports CPD professional development and acts as revalidation evidence. This course provides 5 Hrs training for CPD subject to peer group approval for revalidation purposes
Speakers include:
- Prof Cameron Swift Emeritus Professor, Consultant Physician & Specialist Committee Member, Falls Prevention Quality Standard, NICE School of Medicine King's College London
- Rene Gray Senior Physiotherapist/Professional Lead for Physiotherapy & Embedded Researcher, James Paget University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Mr Bob Handley Consultant on the Trauma Service at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford;British Orthopaedic Association
A 20% discount is available to BADS members on all HCUK events with code HCUK20BADS.