Updated guidance supporting NHS trusts to expand and increase their use of day case surgery is now available to download on the Getting It Right First Time (GIRFT) website. Back
GIRFT has worked with the British Association of Day Surgery (BADS) and the Centre for Perioperative Care (CPOC) to update its National Day Surgery Delivery Pack (first issued in 2020). The new edition offers practical advice to encourage frontline and operational staff to ‘think day case first’ – helping to maximise the use of day surgery for both elective and non-elective care while ensuring patients receive high-quality care and a positive experience.
Read and download the Day Case First: National Day Surgery Delivery Pack
The pack highlights the importance of considering the day surgery pathway from the point of referral, and how the involvement of a multidisciplinary team focused on day case principles is vital. As well as outlining general principles for high-quality day case surgery, it identifies 14 specific actions for delivering change: the key components for converting inpatient activity to a day case approach.